Boobie Bites Recipe

The name is ridiculous, but these are my absolute favorite snack. And they aren’t just for breastfeeding mamas! Two of my sweet sister in laws made me energy bites after I had Oliver & I took ingredients from both recipes and made these. I’ve been making a batch every week & finally nailed down my favorite method! I doubled the recipes because we go through them so quickly. This makes a full 9×13 pan really packed in.

These are my go-to when I need something quick but substantial. They are a great blend of complex carbs, protein & fats. When I’m nursing, I am constantly hungry & need something I can just grab and take on the go. I called them boobie bites once, and now that’s all we call them ha! These are a perfect snack for breastfeeding mamas to keep energy up & help with your supply. You can easily make this dairy free by using vegan protein powder-I love orgain chocolate flavor, & using dairy free chocolate chips. And if you don’t have protein powder, I’d try mixing without adding the water or almond milk since it may not end it.

I love that I can sub different dried fruits and nuts depending on what I have on hand. I’ve also made these with almond butter & that is delicious! You can use mini m&ms instead of chocolate chips or use white chocolate chips. The different combinations are endless! If you plan to use natural peanut butter, you may need to use a little more elbow grease but it will eventually mix in! Let me know what you add to yours!

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